Dog Tired
I so didn't get the chance to rock out like I wanted during Christmas and The Wedding. I had some tummy troubles, sigh. That so spoiled the moment. Picture me, dashing to the restroom every half an hour. Christmas eve was awesome. Christmas day was less so but at least I got some pretty good presents. Sigh. The wedding was beautiful, like a scene from a movie. I was ~ Gasp, wearing a dress! It was uncomfortable, the make up part was fun though. We spent the whole part of the morning yesterday getting ready to walk the aisle with the bride. I'll post any pictures that are probably going to be embarrassing. I haven't seen the pics yet so... gulp, they might need to be burned. I almost caught the bouquet, oh dear, it would be so scandalous if I did. That would mean that I would be the next bride. Thank god I didn't. Maybe in the next wedding. Lol. I haven't finished unpacking yet and sadly, regretfully haven't finished all of my projects yet. Felicia, so sorry abou...