Twilight fever?

I was kind of quiet during the break and let me tell you why. I was day dreaming:

Edward, bite me.

Just think of what it would be like to not need sleep, to never age and be dazzlingly beautiful.
I wouldn't have to worry about needing sleep.
I could take all the time in the world to learn things so term tests wouldn't be a problem at all!

The only trade off is that I won't be able to sunbathe I would sparkle in the sunlight and I would probably not have the self discipline to abstain from human blood so I would have to murder people to satisfy my thirst. Mwahahahaha! I'll probably kill off the criminals first like Rosalie then move on to the evil CEOs who poison the planet with toxic wastes. Of course by then, the Volturi will be on my tail. Oh well.

Being a werewolf would be cool too, its just that for that, I'd have to be a guy, and to tell you the truth, being a guy just to be a werewolf isn't worth it. ~Poor Jacob.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, get with the program and watch the movie or read the books- books are better.

The Twilight series are really quite interesting. Almost as good as Harry Potter and Dianne Wyn Jones' books.
