
Never in my entire life have I met someone as incompetent as... well I can't really mention his name can I.

Anyways, during the completion of the OC2 assignment, someone in my group has proved to be even more of an idiot that I had thought. I mean, I AM a tough critic but the general population seem to surpass my expectations which are often based on first impressions. This guy apparently doesn't. I am utterly disappointed with the type of work this person has been doing.

Alright, let me give you the down low:
I being the group leader asked my team mates which part of the assignment they wanted to do and this certain someone volunteered to do a particularly difficult part of the assignment.

Thinking that this person could complete that particular aspect of the work, we decided that he would do it.

Cum time to compile the work, I find that to my utter horror the work he has done is substantially SUB STANDARD. Now, I am doing the best I can to salvage some parts of it which have traces of sense. He appears to have read certain sources and stitched them together haphazardly in some STRANGE LANGUAGE that I am barely able to comprehend.

It seems that this person has read the same articles as I have and has failed to extract the information required for the assignment. Imbecile! I think he might not have understood what he was reading! I practically have to rewrite the whole thing!

I am indeed very pissed. So pissed in fact that i think steam is about to come out of my ears. I am SO MARKING HIM DOWN cum peer evaluation.

I think I would be on the verge of insanity if he was to become my groupmate again!
