A Retarded Start

I know I'm supposed to stay away from blogging due to the coming term tests but, well, I just can't seem to concentrate. Even if I locked myself up in my room, I'd still find something better to do than studying.

Freaktarded is indeed a good description of yours truly. Why?
Freaktard consists of two words, freak and retard.

  1. Noun- A thing or occurrence that is markedly unusual or irregular: A freak of nature produced the midsummer snow.
  2. Noun- An abnormally formed organism, especially a person or animal regarded as a curiosity or monstrosity.
  3. Adjective - unusual; odd; irregular: a freak epidemic.
  1. Noun - A slowing down, diminution, or hindrance, as in a machine.
  2. Verb - To put off; to postpone; as, to retard the attacks of old age; to retard a rupture between nations.
Syn: To impede; hinder; obstruct; detain; delay; procrastinate; postpone; defer
*Definitions courtesy of Dictionary.com

LOL!-Although I intended it to be some kind of mockery of my opinion of myself, I think there is more than just a grain of truth in that.

Anyways, yes. I have been procrastinating. So far, all I've studied are my nails, the television, and how to cook one of my favorite dishes. Wish me luck on the term tests.
