jumbled thoughts

E learning is horribly tedious. I actually like the subject Fundamentals of Pathology but the e learning thing just messes it up for me. I miss A7B8. Well, at least we'll be seeing each other tomorrow.

Awkwardness is of course uncomfortable, however, prolonged exposure to awkward environments will eventually cause the level of discomfort to decrease. You get used to the strangeness. Hopefully this doesn't happen to me. I want to like my new class. I don't yet. There seem to be some strong personalities and some totally bland ones. You'll be surprised how little people try to get to know others.

People seem to like to stay in their comfort zones and most find it too uncomfortable to venture out to the open long enough to get to know someone. Sad.

Speaking of friends, the way two of my friends interact is hilarious! They're the very definition of uncomfortable when they speak to each other.Its so damn cute! Of course I can't really mention their names, just in the off case that they might be reading this.

I need a best friend.

I miss Maria.

Word of the Day: Floccinaucinihilipilificatious = small or insignificant. Its insanely difficult to say!
