Pick me up movies
It's been a really hectic week, tying up loose ends, finishing reports and trying to absorb as much knowledge as we can before study week starts.
I can't believe the holidays are almost here! There's a term test on Monday and The Exams start on Friday! I can bot believe how fast this term has gone by. I feel as if I barely even know my classmates and that I haven't learned much. It's really strange that term 2.2 is starting!
There will be that long and much anticipated break of doing nothing but lazing around! Yay! It's a pity though, that I won't get to go back to the Philippines.

Anyways, I just watched 2 movies, "Wall-E" and "Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging" and they are really my type of movies. Sure, they don't really make you think, but they're light-hearted and fun. Not the kind of heavily emotional stuff, in other words, a perfect pick me up!
Sure, emo movies are pretty nice sometimes but well, right now, since I'm feeling the pressure of the upcoming exams (stress majoris) so funny is what I need and those two movies did it for me.
I know, I know, exams are acoming and I should be studing but I thought that I owe it to myself to have a couple of hours with my brain switched off then get on with the mugging. Sigh... well, it's getting late, so I guess I better get off to sleepor get on with more important things like studying!
I can't believe the holidays are almost here! There's a term test on Monday and The Exams start on Friday! I can bot believe how fast this term has gone by. I feel as if I barely even know my classmates and that I haven't learned much. It's really strange that term 2.2 is starting!
There will be that long and much anticipated break of doing nothing but lazing around! Yay! It's a pity though, that I won't get to go back to the Philippines.
Anyways, I just watched 2 movies, "Wall-E" and "Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging" and they are really my type of movies. Sure, they don't really make you think, but they're light-hearted and fun. Not the kind of heavily emotional stuff, in other words, a perfect pick me up!
Sure, emo movies are pretty nice sometimes but well, right now, since I'm feeling the pressure of the upcoming exams (stress majoris) so funny is what I need and those two movies did it for me.
I know, I know, exams are acoming and I should be studing but I thought that I owe it to myself to have a couple of hours with my brain switched off then get on with the mugging. Sigh... well, it's getting late, so I guess I better get off to sleep