
EMO. I'm not very fond of that term. What does it mean? Well, right now, at least here in Singapore, "EMO" has become some sort of fashion trend. You see a large increase in the number of people clad in black, stripey attire with tapered jeans (ooh and high cut Chuck Taylor Converse Shoes!!). You will see people in glasses with thick dark frames acting aloof. This just irritates me. People call themselves EMO but don't go through the motions that EMO people are supposed to go through.

For crying out loud! EMOs don't roam in packs, they're supposed to be loners and well, EMO means "emotionally-driven hardcore punk" so EMOs brood a lot. EMO- ness is not a fashion statement so I am begging, please do not make it "trendy". EMO is a state of mind.

EMOs are supposed to be outcasts to contemporary minds and is a term reserved only for the occasional emotionally disturbed rocker.

Why am I fussing over a term used in pop culture? Well, its just that I've always believed that you should portray yourself as you are and ... well, I see a lot of posers with too much attitude for no reason.

Lets just make it clear, I am not attacking the self proclaimed EMOs out there its just that, well, if you don't like punk music then please don't call yourself one.

I am NOT EMO by definition but I am I guess you could say half EMO. I'm emotionally disturbed driven and well, yes I do prefer to listen to rock. I am however not "hard core".

Random thought:Somebody get me a Led Zepplin or a Pink Floid tee shirt for my next birthday!!

I know, I know! Some of you may not agree with my thoughts but I could care less!! Hahaha! That's why I blog, to get my thoughts out there in cyberspace.

Since we're at the topic of stereotyping well, kinda, lets talk about me! Hahaha! I bet you didn't see that coming did you? Anyways, I just think that people see me as a different person to what I see myself as.

What so many people do not know about me is that my parents are strict with me for a very good reason. I will do crazy insane things if given the choice! I'm extremely impressionable and I do have a large tendency to rebel against them. Take for example, when I'm in Philippines, I will do practically anything my parents tell me not to do, provided its legal and morally sound. Also, I have tried to run away when I was younger. That was incredibly stupid of me. I did it in broad daylight and told one of my friends so my parents tracked me down.

Anyway, back to the topic, how people see me, I don't really know how people see me but somehow, for some strange reason, they think that I'm smarter and more of a "goody-too-shoes" than I really am.

I also appear to be a loud person but really, I do have the tendency to keep to myself. Also, I hold grudges and can be very plastic (haha Mean Girls). I'm also always thinking about something even though I always have that blank look and I tend to obsess about things (usually little insignificant things).

I'm a little crazy in general but that's pretty obvious. Umm, what else...I'm quite sensitive to what people say, the smallest slip of the tongue can make me go gaga with my insecurities.
