I was walking home from school today (in the rain) and well, my cellphone's batteries died and that meant that I wouldn't be able to listen to music. I've never walked home without music! It was so strange because, without the earpieces, things seemed to look so much harsher and noisier. It wasn't as pleasant as it used to be. This made me realize that distractions actually help us get through day to day life. It softens things and makes living life more worthwhile.

Distractions, a bad thing? I don't think so. Well, since words can mean many different things to many people, so here, in this context, distractions shall mean anything that takes the attention from your goals (yeah, yeah...I know it doesn't say that in the dictionary)
In my opinion distractions are a necessary part of our lives and that it would be extremely difficult to avoid them. Okay, let me put it this way, distractions make us feel good, if they didn't we wouldn't be so much time distracted. Take for example, a working mother, her children make it difficult to concentrate on her work. So I can say that if her priority was her work, her children would be the distraction. Actually, it depends how you see it. Perspective changes everything. See, she probably works so that she can help support her family, so the well being of the family would be her priority, in other words, the distraction is her work. Have I confused you yet? Well either way, working to support her family and having time to take care of her children are both fulfilling things that would probably make her happy.
Take Einstein, as a child he was a pretty lazy student but in his later years, he worked intensely on his theory of relativity, some people would say that he had intense focus as he would go for prolonged hours without eating. I think that this intense focus on his theory could have provided him with a pretty good distraction from living his life.
With relevance to my life, I think that completing my education is one of my main priorities, so, since I wasn't very distracted the past few days, (I'm pretty focused on school. Note that most of my blog entries have some sort of reference to school) I've been quite unhappy.
Now however I've reestablished my distractions. Mwahaha! That sounds so strange! Anyways, I like distractions, especially the human kind, that walk around and give you a good time and a whole bunch of laughs. Well,people, after a couple of years with no hobby, I'm taking up something to make my life more interesting. Won't tell you what it is though, I haven't figured that part out for myself yet.
Sheesh! I am so random!
Distractions, a bad thing? I don't think so. Well, since words can mean many different things to many people, so here, in this context, distractions shall mean anything that takes the attention from your goals (yeah, yeah...I know it doesn't say that in the dictionary)
In my opinion distractions are a necessary part of our lives and that it would be extremely difficult to avoid them. Okay, let me put it this way, distractions make us feel good, if they didn't we wouldn't be so much time distracted. Take for example, a working mother, her children make it difficult to concentrate on her work. So I can say that if her priority was her work, her children would be the distraction. Actually, it depends how you see it. Perspective changes everything. See, she probably works so that she can help support her family, so the well being of the family would be her priority, in other words, the distraction is her work. Have I confused you yet? Well either way, working to support her family and having time to take care of her children are both fulfilling things that would probably make her happy.
Take Einstein, as a child he was a pretty lazy student but in his later years, he worked intensely on his theory of relativity, some people would say that he had intense focus as he would go for prolonged hours without eating. I think that this intense focus on his theory could have provided him with a pretty good distraction from living his life.
With relevance to my life, I think that completing my education is one of my main priorities, so, since I wasn't very distracted the past few days, (I'm pretty focused on school. Note that most of my blog entries have some sort of reference to school) I've been quite unhappy.
Now however I've reestablished my distractions. Mwahaha! That sounds so strange! Anyways, I like distractions, especially the human kind, that walk around and give you a good time and a whole bunch of laughs. Well,people, after a couple of years with no hobby, I'm taking up something to make my life more interesting. Won't tell you what it is though, I haven't figured that part out for myself yet.
Sheesh! I am so random!