Chemical Reactions?

You know what, some people are just like chemicals, you can get a reaction from them by mixing them together. I actually find it interesting to just people watch, that way, I get a little glimpse of what they're thinking and who can work with whom. People are surprisingly transparent and after a few minutes of watching them interact with each other you get a pretty good feel of what kind of person they are.

I was people watching during the lab sessions today and well, I've come to see the usually invisible lines that people make for themselves (oil and water). There's this one dude in my class who is pretty much alone all the time and its obvious why, he seems a bit much sometimes.

There are also some people in class who seem to be a bit too sensitive. Truth be told, I have a tendency to not take criticism too lightly. (kind of like when sodium is exposed to water) Lets just say that some opinions have been voiced out and some people are not happy with those opinions (Kaboom?). I have to revel in the fact that I am not involved. Sigh, I'm glad that I don't seem to attract trouble that much these days.

There was however a barely notable misunderstanding that I was involved in. You see, there was some sort of meeting thing to attend that would help get me points (for something important, I can't really remember) so it started pretty late and some of my classmates decided to go so we waited till 6.30. (our lessons ended at around 5.15pm) Anyways, we signed the attendance form and went into the Lecture Theater (LT) and well, lets just say I ended up having to sit in the LT, away from my friends. After a couple of minutes I got sick of staring into thin air and decided to leave.

I walked home and by the time my classmates realized that I had gone home and seemingly abandoned them (for a while it kinda felt like they abandoned me) I received word that some people thought I was being unfair for leaving without telling them. Anyways, I explained myself in what I hoped was a proper manner and well, that's that.

Walking home was a great way to sort things out in my head. Daily stresses were straightened out, opinions were formed and the heaviness I had been feeling since the past month have dissipated. My head was clear and for the first time in what seems like ages, I was able to organise my thoughts to form a clear plan on how I am going to tackle my emotions. Four bus stops away, I was skipping into the front door. Lets just say that I had finally obtained a full valence shell.
