the twilight zone

About the "normal" thing some of you may have heard me babbling about. I guess you can say that I'm fairly upset at that word. I'll explain below:

Normal in the dictionary means:

  1. Conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
  2. Serving to establish a standard.
  • approximately average in any psychological trait, as intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment.
  • free from any mental disorder; sane.

Here goes- defining the context: The "normal" I'm talking about is not a physical status... but simply a "state of mind".

So basically according to the definition above, if you conform to THE standard i.e. the norm , you are normal. Who decides what the standard is? Does that mean that if I don't conform to this given standard- I'm not normal?

So, after a bunch of rhetorical questions I've come to the conclusion that normal does not exist. Society has put forth this standard of normal which is fairly unrealistic in a world where individuality rules. No one is the same as another individual, hence the word individual. Normal is a box. If a person does not fit into this box he or she is deemed as abnormal.

Average is sometimes deemed as normal. Who wants to be average? Isn't average-ness frowned upon in today's society?

If everyone was average... and normal, we'd all be clones of each other. Everyone will look the same and think the same. That is in its very essence against human nature. Society, technology and all of the marvels of human kind will not exist if everyone was normal. To be normal is to be un-extraordinary.

For years I've felt out of place and I've always tried my best to be normal so as to fit in better. I always felt like a cheat. It was as if I was somehow restricting myself from being me. I now know that normal is a lie and no one can ever truly be normal. Normal is relative. Variety adds spice to life!

Granted I'm not THAT original but I do want to be original nonetheless. I am abnormal and proud of it.

Big deal! At least I can think for myself and am free from being obligated to conform to society's ideals.

I so miss blogging this way. I used to blog soley in this manner... about my opinions and not so much my experiences but well, these days, there are only a few things that I've come across that inspire such a monologue.
