The pretty blue eyes I can't get over
Yesterday was brill.
Lab was cuckoo where we were pretty much making complete fools of ourselves and having fun while we're at it. Yas, Jessic and Fel made like fainting goats- you know the trust game where you fall backwards and your partner would catch you... that was the theme of the lab. It was so hilarious!

Apres much whining and begging, I finally got my mum to extend my curfew so that the girls and I could go watch 17 Again. It was so completely sigh-worthy, Zach was completely sigh-worthy. I would gush but then I've already annoyed 3 people by simply gushing over Zach's pretty blue eyes and awesome hair.
His acting wasn't bad either.
There were loads of funny parts especially with the cheerleaders saying- "you don't have to respect me... you don't even have to remember my name!". Pretty much all of the teenage girls in the movie was Zach Efron's character. I think that the movie is a must watch chick flick so... if you and your girl pals are looking for a decent movie... this is it!
Oh and when I got home, I found myself alone... it seems that my folks went out- no wonder they didn't call to check up on me... anyways, another blue eyed wonder, Adam Lambert from American Idol was in the bottom 2! Gasp! I was so freaking shocked because I thought his performance was pretty good. Sure, the guy's only human so he fell for Ryan's "choose which side you belong to" trick even though no one in the history of AI has ever done that so I guess he deserved being in the bottom 2 just for picking a side.
Its a good thing Matt was kicked out- I think that the judges shouldn't have saved him. Sure he can sing but personally I don't think he has the charisma to sell albums.
Lab was cuckoo where we were pretty much making complete fools of ourselves and having fun while we're at it. Yas, Jessic and Fel made like fainting goats- you know the trust game where you fall backwards and your partner would catch you... that was the theme of the lab. It was so hilarious!
Picture courtesy of Fel- it looks like we're too freaked by the swine flu epidemic doesn't it?
Apres much whining and begging, I finally got my mum to extend my curfew so that the girls and I could go watch 17 Again. It was so completely sigh-worthy, Zach was completely sigh-worthy. I would gush but then I've already annoyed 3 people by simply gushing over Zach's pretty blue eyes and awesome hair.
His acting wasn't bad either.
There were loads of funny parts especially with the cheerleaders saying- "you don't have to respect me... you don't even have to remember my name!". Pretty much all of the teenage girls in the movie was Zach Efron's character. I think that the movie is a must watch chick flick so... if you and your girl pals are looking for a decent movie... this is it!
Oh and when I got home, I found myself alone... it seems that my folks went out- no wonder they didn't call to check up on me... anyways, another blue eyed wonder, Adam Lambert from American Idol was in the bottom 2! Gasp! I was so freaking shocked because I thought his performance was pretty good. Sure, the guy's only human so he fell for Ryan's "choose which side you belong to" trick even though no one in the history of AI has ever done that so I guess he deserved being in the bottom 2 just for picking a side.
Its a good thing Matt was kicked out- I think that the judges shouldn't have saved him. Sure he can sing but personally I don't think he has the charisma to sell albums.