I hate being here, in school. Too many eyes and too may stragers looking. Sure I am not alone, pysically but well, really inside, every man is an island. I seem to like it that way.
In solitude, one finds meaning within themselves, one, finds reasons for their existance. Sure, it means less distractions, and sure, you're eventually going to have a polar view of the world compared to everybody else but there are advantages.
I have control over practically every aspect of my life now. I am able to have a privacy that I have never experienced before. Now, no one can see into my head (well, you can see what is written in this blog but really, thats about it). No one can judge me because no one will truly know me but me. No one will be able to use my thoughts against me without my permission. I will be able to take my secrets with me, and not let them wander free letting the wind carry them.
I know that its kind of strange to be antisocial but right now, its what is best for me. I can't handle too many strangers. Unfortunately, familiar faces are still few and far apart, and sadly, even though they may look familiar, the people behind them may have changed.
Changes. Someone once told me that constant change is the only thing that is constant in life, that everything is in constant motion. Its weird because I feel like everyone and everything around me is being whipped into motion, that I am the only stationary object, like a house in the eye of a tornado.
I am so weird. Is that good?
In solitude, one finds meaning within themselves, one, finds reasons for their existance. Sure, it means less distractions, and sure, you're eventually going to have a polar view of the world compared to everybody else but there are advantages.
I have control over practically every aspect of my life now. I am able to have a privacy that I have never experienced before. Now, no one can see into my head (well, you can see what is written in this blog but really, thats about it). No one can judge me because no one will truly know me but me. No one will be able to use my thoughts against me without my permission. I will be able to take my secrets with me, and not let them wander free letting the wind carry them.
I know that its kind of strange to be antisocial but right now, its what is best for me. I can't handle too many strangers. Unfortunately, familiar faces are still few and far apart, and sadly, even though they may look familiar, the people behind them may have changed.
Changes. Someone once told me that constant change is the only thing that is constant in life, that everything is in constant motion. Its weird because I feel like everyone and everything around me is being whipped into motion, that I am the only stationary object, like a house in the eye of a tornado.
I am so weird. Is that good?