
I caught the flu. I think it's because of all of the eerie weather, excessive rain and insufficient sunshine.

I felt so sick that I had to go home early on Friday. Now I do not typically skip lectures especially Human Anatomy and Physiology (HAP) but a killer headache and a runny nose just rendered me incapable of doing any learning.

I got home and got some sleep. I had some dinner then went back to sleep. I woke up at almost three pm, barely able to breathe.

Camping out at the living room in front of the TV is my favorite thing about being sick. I don't have to run around doing chores. I wanted to get some studying done though but well, this being sick stuff had just set me back a half a day in the work department. Sigh.

I'm not going to the doctor. Nope. The last thing I need is some drugs that make me sleepy. Okay, I am not stupid, I know they can give you non-drowsy medication but then all it really does is alleviate your symptoms not cure you.

Anyways I already took some Tylenol so I'm feeling better. I think I've got a fever though. I want my Mommy! Well, not really. I want my granny (my Dad's aunt) , she's the one who fusses over me every time I get even the slightest sniffle.

I'm going to try my hand at getting some studying done. Wish me luck!
