Over it.

Judging is so elementary to our nature. We do it instantly as soon as we see a person walking down the street. We make assumptions about people's motives and priorities because of their dressing, words and actions. We stereotype just because it makes processing information easier. But ladies and gents, we can not be summed up only by our actions or lack thereof simply because of the fact that we do not act on our every whim for certain reasons which may or may not be unique to our personality. Not every thought is broadcast for the entire world to see.

There is a part within each of us that remains unexposed, undiscussed and hidden from other people's perspectives and it is very much a part of our personality as what we put out there. They say don't judge a book by its cover, but book covers are made to be judged. It is quite possible that the cover can appear fairly detached from the contents of the book in terms of the image or feel that it portrays because a cover is meant to be appealing and attractive so that the book will be bought.

Oh well... those were just some of the thoughts floating around in this big head of mine.

Anyways...my concerns about The Internship have now been resolved and there is a bonus! I don't have to worry about my Major Project anymore. Whoo!

There is however a downside. I don't get any pay. Yes folks,you guessed it, my SIP will be in school with our favorite GMP teacher. It's still not confirmed though. I missed Dr V's call this afternoon. I really don't mind though, although I am slightly peeved that I won't get that $440 every month simply because I had already planned out what I was going to buy.

I woke up super late today and I made a boo boo. I forgot to tell the girls that I wasn't going for dim sum. Poo.

Anyways, the past few days have been weird. Working with Anita on my debating is really making me want to work even harder. I think there is hope for us yet. Scratch that actually, there is more than hope. There's a pretty good possibility that team Jalepeno will get picked. Beanie crosses her fingers. I am going to end this school year with a damn good grade on my Major project and a banging good job in debates.

Sure, I'm going to be poor doing it, but hey, what the hey, this is the last leg of the race. I might as well go all out right? I just hope I don't have to retake any subjects even though it'll buy me another term in debates.

Anyways, here's a list of things that I want to do / achieve before I graduate:
1. Win a competition
2. Gain more trust from the parents so that I can actually live a less stressful life with less lies
3. Save money so that I can do 4, 5 and 6
4. Get a new guitar
5. Get out of the country
6. Get my Mum a ticket home - so that she can enjoy herself and lay off me a little
7. Do awesome with my Major Project
8. Get better with my English - I am losing touch
9. Lose weight - if that is even possible
