I could cure cancer.
As the week began to unfold, the usually dormant butterflies in my belly began to protest.
Saturday was the first day that I would debate competitively against people not from TP and to tell you the absolute truth, I had a feeling that the day would turn out the way it did.
Anita and I debated twice. On the first debate, I was... I shall say... "shit scared" for lack of a better expression. It turned out okay I guess. That was the very first time I was able to try out the whip speaker format that Donita taught me. I was floored by the opening house speakers. They were just short of amazing, but they were much better that I was. We came in third. I didn't expect to win anyways.
Before the second debate had started, I had managed to calm myself down and think with a level head. I let myself think that I could counter our previous loss by emerging the champions of that round... at least that was before the motion was announced. The motion was " This house shall do away with the Golden Parachute" and it was supposedly a debate on economics, neither of which I had any prior knowledge about.
The term was explained and well... I feel like I understood it fairly well. What I got from it was that he Golden Parachute is a sum of money given to high powered executives upon their sudden terminationfrom the job, not from life itself.
Prep time came and went and Team Jalapeno had a reasonable idea on what the discussion would be about. The debate began and the opening houses baffled me. Not because they were good, but because I could not comprehend what they were saying and why they were saying it. The Opening Government didn't follow the motion and that just threw me off.
Anyway, Anita and I abandoned the idea and settled on what some would consider a rehash of the Opening opposition and well wouldn't you know it, The ideas Anita and I had before the debate started were right on the money and we didn't act on it. Boo.
Well... at least I learnt something. I learned that I can trust my instincts. I just have to get the balls to act on them.
There was another reason why the butterflies were reeking havoc through my digestive tract. SIP aka The Internship was to start on Monday and I had no idea what to expect. All I knew was that I had to be there by 8.30 in the morning every day.
I found out what my project is about. Its actually pretty interesting. The only problem lies with my limited knowledge of chemistry, much of which has been lost in the deep recesses of my wonderous mind. It was probably deleted by the brain's natural mechanism, due to the limited volume of free disk space up there or that fact that those files weren't accesed in the last millenia.
Here's the project and I shall explain it the way it was explained to me, such that my chemistry deficient brain could understand:
We were supposed to synthesise nano particles - very very small thingies.
The particles consisted of Iron platinum, Iron oxide and Iron cobalt compounds. These were then coated by some sort of plastic, P.V.P or Poly-vinyl-something which would make them dispersible in water to form a suspension.
The ultimate goal would be to inject solutions containing these particles into cancer cells. The cells would be subjected to an alternating magnetic field, causing the particles to vibrate. The vibrations would then generate heat within the cells. Due to the fact that cancer cells have a higher metabolic rate compared to normal cells, they are more susceptible to temperature increases and hence they would die a horrible deathcooked from the inside out.
So, I guess we could be curing cancer sometime soon with the use of nano particles. Hehehe. When the whole project is completed in its entirety, we hope to publish an article in a journal and make at least some sort of contribution to the medical field. I can just picture it.
Oh, I also made an unexpected friend from SIP.
All that happened within a few days and I have to say that SIP is so kicking my ass. I need to sleep early so... hopefully before 2am I'll be catching some Zs.
Saturday was the first day that I would debate competitively against people not from TP and to tell you the absolute truth, I had a feeling that the day would turn out the way it did.
Anita and I debated twice. On the first debate, I was... I shall say... "shit scared" for lack of a better expression. It turned out okay I guess. That was the very first time I was able to try out the whip speaker format that Donita taught me. I was floored by the opening house speakers. They were just short of amazing, but they were much better that I was. We came in third. I didn't expect to win anyways.
Before the second debate had started, I had managed to calm myself down and think with a level head. I let myself think that I could counter our previous loss by emerging the champions of that round... at least that was before the motion was announced. The motion was " This house shall do away with the Golden Parachute" and it was supposedly a debate on economics, neither of which I had any prior knowledge about.
The term was explained and well... I feel like I understood it fairly well. What I got from it was that he Golden Parachute is a sum of money given to high powered executives upon their sudden termination
Prep time came and went and Team Jalapeno had a reasonable idea on what the discussion would be about. The debate began and the opening houses baffled me. Not because they were good, but because I could not comprehend what they were saying and why they were saying it. The Opening Government didn't follow the motion and that just threw me off.
Anyway, Anita and I abandoned the idea and settled on what some would consider a rehash of the Opening opposition and well wouldn't you know it, The ideas Anita and I had before the debate started were right on the money and we didn't act on it. Boo.
Well... at least I learnt something. I learned that I can trust my instincts. I just have to get the balls to act on them.
There was another reason why the butterflies were reeking havoc through my digestive tract. SIP aka The Internship was to start on Monday and I had no idea what to expect. All I knew was that I had to be there by 8.30 in the morning every day.
I found out what my project is about. Its actually pretty interesting. The only problem lies with my limited knowledge of chemistry, much of which has been lost in the deep recesses of my wonderous mind. It was probably deleted by the brain's natural mechanism, due to the limited volume of free disk space up there or that fact that those files weren't accesed in the last millenia.
Here's the project and I shall explain it the way it was explained to me, such that my chemistry deficient brain could understand:
We were supposed to synthesise nano particles - very very small thingies.
The particles consisted of Iron platinum, Iron oxide and Iron cobalt compounds. These were then coated by some sort of plastic, P.V.P or Poly-vinyl-something which would make them dispersible in water to form a suspension.
The ultimate goal would be to inject solutions containing these particles into cancer cells. The cells would be subjected to an alternating magnetic field, causing the particles to vibrate. The vibrations would then generate heat within the cells. Due to the fact that cancer cells have a higher metabolic rate compared to normal cells, they are more susceptible to temperature increases and hence they would die a horrible death
So, I guess we could be curing cancer sometime soon with the use of nano particles. Hehehe. When the whole project is completed in its entirety, we hope to publish an article in a journal and make at least some sort of contribution to the medical field. I can just picture it.
Oh, I also made an unexpected friend from SIP.
All that happened within a few days and I have to say that SIP is so kicking my ass. I need to sleep early so... hopefully before 2am I'll be catching some Zs.