all i do is work and play....i need rest
My new schedule is driving me stark raving mad. I didn't realize how much more exhausting working is compared to plain old going to school. Sure, it is an in-house attachment, but that doesn't make it a walk in the park.
I like the work we're doing though. I like lab work and I feel like I belong in a lab. A Bio lab mind you, not a Chemistry one. See... here's what I think, Chemistry is a word which originated from the two words, "chemical" and "mystery", Chem-mystery and that is why its so mind boggling.
I hope I get a lab job doing some form of research. Its so much more awesome when you know that scientific breakthroughs are just barely out of your reach. Sure, R&D protocols involve highly repetitive activities, but that's fine with me. I like to be in the thick of investigating something. Its like trying to solve this very intricate puzzle, of which you don't have all the pieces yet. Just imagine what it would feel like if you actually solved it, or at least built an important component of the picture.
This semester's set of results came out today, while I was orienting some juniors around the Clean Room. My results are as expected. Adequately average. It was just so vanilla that I was over it in like 20 seconds.
Anyways, yes, I had to make Pharmaceutical Sciences seem like the most interesting thing in the world. I had to sell the idea that gowning up in the space suit was cool and that a TP PST student's life was awesome and that all of the subjects we take are the most interesting in AS. It was kind of fun to goof off and test out my skills of misdirection for a while, away from the ear splitting shriek of the sonicator. I was glad to be out of that nanotech lab. Those dreaded sonicators emit noises that are actually starting to kill what little brain cells I had remaining.
Debate training is tomorrow or er... later and we're supposed to wear sports attire. I wonder what we're going to be doing. I hope I don't have to bust out my inhaler or something. I am very out of shape.
I am exhausted. I should sleep but I can't bring myself to it. I need sleep badly and I've been getting by with 5 and a half hours of sleep a day. That is an incredibly inadequate amount of time for my brain to recover from the day's events. That's it... I am so logging off and sleeping in like 2 minutes.
I like the work we're doing though. I like lab work and I feel like I belong in a lab. A Bio lab mind you, not a Chemistry one. See... here's what I think, Chemistry is a word which originated from the two words, "chemical" and "mystery", Chem-mystery and that is why its so mind boggling.
I hope I get a lab job doing some form of research. Its so much more awesome when you know that scientific breakthroughs are just barely out of your reach. Sure, R&D protocols involve highly repetitive activities, but that's fine with me. I like to be in the thick of investigating something. Its like trying to solve this very intricate puzzle, of which you don't have all the pieces yet. Just imagine what it would feel like if you actually solved it, or at least built an important component of the picture.
This semester's set of results came out today, while I was orienting some juniors around the Clean Room. My results are as expected. Adequately average. It was just so vanilla that I was over it in like 20 seconds.
Anyways, yes, I had to make Pharmaceutical Sciences seem like the most interesting thing in the world. I had to sell the idea that gowning up in the space suit was cool and that a TP PST student's life was awesome and that all of the subjects we take are the most interesting in AS. It was kind of fun to goof off and test out my skills of misdirection for a while, away from the ear splitting shriek of the sonicator. I was glad to be out of that nanotech lab. Those dreaded sonicators emit noises that are actually starting to kill what little brain cells I had remaining.
Debate training is tomorrow or er... later and we're supposed to wear sports attire. I wonder what we're going to be doing. I hope I don't have to bust out my inhaler or something. I am very out of shape.
I am exhausted. I should sleep but I can't bring myself to it. I need sleep badly and I've been getting by with 5 and a half hours of sleep a day. That is an incredibly inadequate amount of time for my brain to recover from the day's events. That's it... I am so logging off and sleeping in like 2 minutes.