I love dolphins. I love documentaries, so you'd think that I'd love a documentary about dolphins right?
Not when its about what some of the Japanese people are doing to them. Its barbaric.
"Humaneness" is a human invention, and it stems from the word "human". It is supposed to mean "a quality marked by an emphasis on humanistic values and concerns".
It is supposed express how we differentiate ourselves from other animals, in the way that we are capable of expressing compassion and mercy in a way animals are unable to.
Its an idea propagated by us, humans. How then can we stand for such in-humanity?
Things like these make me question our position on earth. We regard ourselves as superior beings, but that only means that we have the capability to protect the other beings in this earth.
If we fail in doing this...have we really come that far? Have we really evolved beyond the rest of the animals, or are we just as, or even more despicable than the lowly cockroach.
At least animals kill for a reason, but the animals in this film are mindless drones motivated by empty traditions and the thirst for adrenaline - oh and guess what... the dolphin meat is tainted with mercury... so it isn't safe to eat either.
Not when its about what some of the Japanese people are doing to them. Its barbaric.
"Humaneness" is a human invention, and it stems from the word "human". It is supposed to mean "a quality marked by an emphasis on humanistic values and concerns".
It is supposed express how we differentiate ourselves from other animals, in the way that we are capable of expressing compassion and mercy in a way animals are unable to.
Its an idea propagated by us, humans. How then can we stand for such in-humanity?
Things like these make me question our position on earth. We regard ourselves as superior beings, but that only means that we have the capability to protect the other beings in this earth.
If we fail in doing this...have we really come that far? Have we really evolved beyond the rest of the animals, or are we just as, or even more despicable than the lowly cockroach.
At least animals kill for a reason, but the animals in this film are mindless drones motivated by empty traditions and the thirst for adrenaline - oh and guess what... the dolphin meat is tainted with mercury... so it isn't safe to eat either.