
I am frustrated. Infuriated and vehemently opposed to my mother’s attempt to control my life. I have never had rules to follow. I only had to guess the rules and obey them. Now, she decides to impose strict rules on me. Now that I am 22 and have a mind of my own, now when I have been too far misguided to be steered back into her “righteous” world she decides to do this?

Where was this eight years ago?

According to mother, I have to go to sleep at 2 am and wake up no later than 10 am. Wow!
My biological clock has been tuned to work in the night for the 10 years that I have been here, and she decides to flip it in just a day?! Uhhuh… that’ll work.

The most frustrating thing is that I play along! I always play along! She will never see the rules as ridiculous because I make it seem as if I’m adhering to them!

I need to find a job, and maybe a friend or someone that I can move in with so that the whole parental supervision problem would just go away.

I absolutely abhor staying at home alone with my mother. Sure I love her but seriously, I don’t appreciate her breathing down my back all of the time! I need to get out of the house! The saddest thing is that she won’t let me.

Emotional blackmail works people! I learnt it from one of the best. It is by far one of the best ways to motivate or shall I say, demotivate a person. I can’t stand being imprisoned by my mother’s loving wrath!

She sees me being “rebellious” and feels the need to respond to it by imposing more restrictions. Yep… good parenting skills.

I almost feel like she’s toying with me because she’s bored of being alone at home all the time. I seriously do not know how she does it! I am about to go MAD from cabin fever!
