
I can't believe how naive I've been all these years. I had always had an insane sense of curiosity but my curiosity was only towards a few very specific areas of knowledge. Growing up, science played a major part in explaining how things worked. Everything which was not explained in a scientific manner, I ignored. I should have payed more attention to finding out the inner workings of society. It facinates me now and I don't know why.

It has recently come to my attention that there are other forces at work and these forces shape and mould the world around us, like currents tug at the ocean's inhabitants. It isn't apparent to the participants but when looked at from a distance these patterns emerge.

I never saw politics as a science. It wasn't exact and there were too many long, bombastic words that I failed to understand. Definitions were not really defined... if you know what I was open to interpretation. I realize now that there is indeed a lot of logic involved in political science and although principles such as totalitarianism, communitarianism and utilitarianism etc. may not be largely known but they describe different mindsets and is indeed closely linked with a field which I am drawn by, psychology.

Debate opened up a new world to me and is making me consider the root of most of the decisions I make and the causes I support. Its making me think twice about which ideas I choose to believe in and why I believe in them - whether it is indeed my choice to believe in these ideas, or whether society or upbringing has put them in my head, and even whether I am genetically predisposed to think in a certain way.

I realize that many people "believe" in things purely because they were taught and conditioned by cultural influences to do so. This ability of people to display this capability, blind faith, baffles me. I was never the one to believe things told to me without asking WHY but eventually, I have to admit that I also fell into the trap of taking things for their face value and not asking "why?".

I may end up going on a perpetual quest set on trying to understand the mechanics of the world and know that that goal is unattainable, however, I'll settle for the golden nuggets of wisdom that I'll discover along the way.
