Missing FOB!
Fall Out Boy just had a concert and I think that a hell of a lot of people enjoyed it. I didn't though. I couldn't go- bah.
Yesterday, my P Mic group had to go gaga to refine the P Mic report and make it nice and tidy. There were many last minute details that had to be buttoned down and a certain someone made it worse- this certain someone had entered the computer lab with unfinished work which I still had to proofread and edit to fit the page limit! Gosh that was stressful.
B Pharm caught me by surprise. I did not expect a quiz! I thought it was today but Ms Hor pushed it forward. Why would someone push a quiz forward?!
Apparently, I failed 2 B Pharm quizzes. How am I to survive this subject!? I did get a pretty decent grade for another 2 quizzes though.
Anyways, on to good news, I got a new phone. A Sony Ericsson Walkman phone. It's the phone that everyone says self destructs but I don't mind. My Nokia 5300 needed a break from all of the abuse I've been dishing out on it since 2007. This is my 7th cellphone. The previous ones all died from overuse.
Speaking of overuse, my brain is overused. It wants a break. It want's to quit school.
On a brighter note, I found this great fedora which my dad brought home a few days ago. Its blue and furry like velvet and so freaking cute!

Anyways, I need to go out! I have to go out soon! I have to see a band or something because I so need a distraction now!- Okay, here's the deal.... I don't need a distraction. I just want one.
You know how people say ignorance is bliss- well, a little bliss is needed in this side of town. Tomorrow, I have 2 quizzes, P Mic and IPT. Clearly the school's administration seems to like seeing its students struggle through their coursework.
Yesterday, my P Mic group had to go gaga to refine the P Mic report and make it nice and tidy. There were many last minute details that had to be buttoned down and a certain someone made it worse- this certain someone had entered the computer lab with unfinished work which I still had to proofread and edit to fit the page limit! Gosh that was stressful.
B Pharm caught me by surprise. I did not expect a quiz! I thought it was today but Ms Hor pushed it forward. Why would someone push a quiz forward?!
Apparently, I failed 2 B Pharm quizzes. How am I to survive this subject!? I did get a pretty decent grade for another 2 quizzes though.
Anyways, on to good news, I got a new phone. A Sony Ericsson Walkman phone. It's the phone that everyone says self destructs but I don't mind. My Nokia 5300 needed a break from all of the abuse I've been dishing out on it since 2007. This is my 7th cellphone. The previous ones all died from overuse.
Speaking of overuse, my brain is overused. It wants a break. It want's to quit school.
On a brighter note, I found this great fedora which my dad brought home a few days ago. Its blue and furry like velvet and so freaking cute!
Anyways, I need to go out! I have to go out soon! I have to see a band or something because I so need a distraction now!- Okay, here's the deal.... I don't need a distraction. I just want one.
You know how people say ignorance is bliss- well, a little bliss is needed in this side of town. Tomorrow, I have 2 quizzes, P Mic and IPT. Clearly the school's administration seems to like seeing its students struggle through their coursework.