Stupid Laptop!!

I now hate my laptop. It absolutely refuses to connect to the internet. I have checked the firewalls and the other settings and I still cant figure out what is wrong with that thing so now I am reduced to using the "family" PC. I just don't understand that lump of circuits! It's totally foreign to me how to use a computer, that's right, you've heard it from the horse's mouth, I am computer illiterate.

Sure I can use the internet and jazz up my profile and blogs but practically any idiot can do that!

Sigh, I miss sitting in my room and multitasking. I don't know if its a hardware problem or a software problem... or maybe it's just the user. Sigh.

Anyways, I've got to get back to studying... it is after all, study week. GULP! four days till the exams!! Help!!
