the move

I am so wiped out. Sigh, that so called five day holiday was not exactly a holiday for my family and I. Sigh... the four of us just moved our whole lives to a new location 20 feet away (thankfully!)

Yep, we moved, AGAIN. I am so sick and tired of having to live in someone elses house! The worst part of everything is that our phone and internet lines are still at the old house so please... use the cell phone when trying to send a message across.

Anyway...sigh.. yesterday I woke up early (gritting teeth--- I am not your morning person) with movers clearing out my room! My mum shooed me out of bed and it was disassembled. Sleepyeyed, I moved to the nearest undismanteled bed and continued dreaming of... well you don't really need to know.

I was soon to be reawakened (like frankenstein's monster) by my Dad who was about to take the mattres out from under me!

I was ordered to help transfer things from one house to another (I was wearing my bedclothes) !
Thank goodness the appartment is in the same block and same level. Phew. Still... it was terribly exhausting and well.. I haven't exactly finished unpacking yet.
