Out of Place?

im here with my cousin in a cheap computer cafe and well, I'm hving a heck of a lot of troble typing because the keys are sticky. A lot has changes since I've left and things that I thougfht werent going to happen happened. Basically some people are in sticky messes that they could have avoided.

I alwas feel a bit weird when I'm visiting my cousins, they stay at one of my parents' properties but I alwas feel a bit awkward, like I don't belong, sometimes I wish I had the same kind of camradery that they have with the people around them.

I guess I am a bit jealous, they have a place where they can feel like they belong, wislt I almost alwasy seem to feel out of place where ever I am. I guess I'm just weird.

The visit allows me to ponder about my life and how really unhappy I am at my habitat.
