impacted tooth
I went to the dentists office to extract one of my impacted tooth. I have to tell you that it was an ordeal to be remembered. The sad part is that I have another impacted tooth an extra tooth growing almost under my tongue.
The operation took a lot out the dentist and I. The whole thing took close to two hours! Phew.
Here's the X ray!

The gory details are coming up soon so if you can't stand the sight of blood, I suggest you stop reading now! Ha ha!
She first tested if I was allergic to the numbing medicine, I think its called Novocaine, anyway, she injected a small amount in my arm and waited a few minutes to see if I would have an adverse reaction to it. I didn't.
She then proceeded to examine the tooth and inject me with the numbing medicine. I uttered a muffled "Ouh!" with the initial jab. I was scared out of my mind!
I think she made some sort of incision but I couldn't feel it .... thank goodness for that! Well anyways, the rest of the one hour and so minutes was spent cutting up the tooth, so that the normal molar next to it wouldn't have to be extracted, injecting me to numb the pain and trying to jostle the tooth out.
It felt like an eternity sitting at that chair. I pretty much had my eyes closed the whole time, except for when I had to go to the toilet in the middle of the extraction. Ha ha! Now that was not a very appropriate time to go to the loo!
Well the last fifteen minutes were spent sewing the wound closed.
After about an hour or so, my mouth was still partially numb so you probably can imagine how hard it was for me to eat! I had to eat though, I have to take the drugs after food. I slurped some soup and ice cream (ice cream is good because it brings down the swelling). My mouth was quite uncomfortable, my tooth (the one that was spared) kept throbbing with pain.
I kept the tooth, but its in five pieces. My gums are still a bit sore and swollen and bleed sometimes. I still can't eat very well. Still sore. I wonder when I'll be able to get over the trauma enough to get the other tooth removed. Well, wish me luck!
The operation took a lot out the dentist and I. The whole thing took close to two hours! Phew.
Here's the X ray!
The gory details are coming up soon so if you can't stand the sight of blood, I suggest you stop reading now! Ha ha!
She first tested if I was allergic to the numbing medicine, I think its called Novocaine, anyway, she injected a small amount in my arm and waited a few minutes to see if I would have an adverse reaction to it. I didn't.
She then proceeded to examine the tooth and inject me with the numbing medicine. I uttered a muffled "Ouh!" with the initial jab. I was scared out of my mind!
I think she made some sort of incision but I couldn't feel it .... thank goodness for that! Well anyways, the rest of the one hour and so minutes was spent cutting up the tooth, so that the normal molar next to it wouldn't have to be extracted, injecting me to numb the pain and trying to jostle the tooth out.
It felt like an eternity sitting at that chair. I pretty much had my eyes closed the whole time, except for when I had to go to the toilet in the middle of the extraction. Ha ha! Now that was not a very appropriate time to go to the loo!
Well the last fifteen minutes were spent sewing the wound closed.
After about an hour or so, my mouth was still partially numb so you probably can imagine how hard it was for me to eat! I had to eat though, I have to take the drugs after food. I slurped some soup and ice cream (ice cream is good because it brings down the swelling). My mouth was quite uncomfortable, my tooth (the one that was spared) kept throbbing with pain.
I kept the tooth, but its in five pieces. My gums are still a bit sore and swollen and bleed sometimes. I still can't eat very well. Still sore. I wonder when I'll be able to get over the trauma enough to get the other tooth removed. Well, wish me luck!