impacted tooth
I went to the dentists office to extract one of my impacted tooth. I have to tell you that it was an ordeal to be remembered. The sad part is that I have another impacted tooth an extra tooth growing almost under my tongue. The operation took a lot out the dentist and I. The whole thing took close to two hours! Phew. Here's the X ray! The gory details are coming up soon so if you can't stand the sight of blood, I suggest you stop reading now! Ha ha ! She first tested if I was allergic to the numbing medicine, I think its called Novocaine , anyway, she injected a small amount in my arm and waited a few minutes to see if I would have an adverse reaction to it. I didn't. She then proceeded to examine the tooth and inject me with the numbing medicine. I uttered a muffled " Ouh !" with the initial jab. I was scared out of my mind! I think she made some sort of incision but I couldn't feel it .... thank goodness for that! Well anyways, the rest of the one hour and ...