Old Friends
Today, I met up with an old friend, of whom I've known for almost as long as I've been here in Singapore (around 7 years). I hadn't seen her for a while, about a couple of weeks so I was really enthusiastic about seeing her again.
So I met Maria at the MRT station and well, she showed me around her schoolalso a polytechnic. Her school is pretty new and it was a change from the campus that I usually see. Her school though had the different sub school buildings quite a distance apart so, well lets just say, it took some muscle to get around that school! After, we went to VIVO city (a mall) to eat and window shop. All in all, I had a pretty good day.
It was awesome to be able to speak to someone who was actually mature enough to have a decent conversation with. Its great really, I could crack some very subtle dirty jokes and someone was there to get it! We also took the time to catch up to the goings on in each others' life and well, I've come to realized, I've missed quite a bit. We've both grown in many ways but were still able to connect like the old times.
I'm tired.
So I met Maria at the MRT station and well, she showed me around her school
It was awesome to be able to speak to someone who was actually mature enough to have a decent conversation with. Its great really, I could crack some very subtle dirty jokes and someone was there to get it! We also took the time to catch up to the goings on in each others' life and well, I've come to realized, I've missed quite a bit. We've both grown in many ways but were still able to connect like the old times.
I'm tired.