
Kate Gosselyn "When you open your mouth, people judge your level of intelligence"

Sometimes we compare ourselves to other people and how sometimes we feel better about ourselves simply because we feel that we are better than them in certain aspects of our lives.

Its strange that a lot of how we feel about ourselves is influenced by other people. Ideally we should feel good about ourselves based on our merits and not on the demerits of others compared to ours.

However, because we are social creatures and have to interact with other humans and the rest of our environments, we have to take into consideration other people's views when we make decisions in our lives, hence self perception can not be completely independent from other people's opinions of us.

This struck me when Aji was talking about positive argumentation. He basically said that we should discuss principles not in a comparative manner and that is something that I believe we can apply to our day to day life.

I think some people from school could take a few notes from him. Certain people feel the need to bring people down so that they can feel good about themselves. I think its just sad that they don't feel that there is much about them that they can feel good about without bringing people down.

It is true that a common goal unites people and for some reason, some people chose to make showing up my group of friends their goal. It unites them and makes then feel as if they have some sort of power. I think its because they perceive that there are some things we have, that they don't. They are right though. There ARE some things that we have that they don't, maturity and friendships not based on a perverse common goal.
