Blog Facelift

You may have noticed that I changed my blog header. I figured it was about time that I be less narcissistic and use other people's pictures in the header. If you look close enough, you might just spot yourself in one or two of the pictures. I tried my best to not cover up people's faces so hopefully, no one's face is covered.

Hopefully, no one minds that their faces are plastered at the top of my blog for everyone to see. I was very careful though about how big the faces were. They're big enough so that you recognise that you're in them, but not too big that people who don't know you can recognise you from them - gosh I hope THAT made sense.

Why the change? Well, I just thought that, since school as I know it is about to change completely, why not give my blog a make-over too. I spent a couple of minutes on that header and I tried to jam as many photos in there as I could. You could make your own using picasa 3.

You won't believe how hard it is to browse through hundreds of pictures and pick only a few to put up. That took an hour at least. Oh well. I did my best. Friends and family, I hope you like it!

Anyways, there's cause for celebration because it is the last day of exams! Whoo! Well, to tell you the truth, I'm more worried for the term tests than the exam.

We watched The Proposal and I think that it was okay. It was funny but not hillarious like hangover or 40 days and 40 nights. There was one moment though, when Brook Shields and Ryan Reynolds went splat against the other's naked body. Now THAT's what I call comedy! It was a nice break from the books.

Now that school's done, I can concentrate on having some fun, on a budget of course, at least till my first pay comes it - from The Internship.

Hopefully there's pay. I know that I'm being somewhat of a cheapskate but, I really need the cash. My bank account is on life support!

Ah, The Internship, its frightening that up till that its only a week away, I still do not know what exactly I'm going to be doing. We'll find out later. I hope I get a decent attachment with an interesting major project. I'm also crossing my fingers about the office hours, I don't want to miss debate training. - Gulp. I'm anxious.
