
I am going to go mad! This Psychology thing is driving me to the verge of insanity! My classmates and I have to make a commercial applying the theories we've learnt and boy is it frustrating, especially if your other team members are missing.

I'm not blaming anyone but, well, things keep popping up! Sigh. i'm just so tired of organizing everything! Guess what, we're meeting tomorrow! At my house. Sigh.

Term tests are just ten days away! I am so freaked out I don't know what is going on! I need more time.

I need to get a hold of myself, I need to get something permanent done because... well everything's changing and spinning so fast that I'm losing control! I need to slow down but I have no other choice but to speed up.

I had a strange dream. I can't explain it but well, all I can say is that something good is coming up.

I so need a break. I'm looking forward to going back for Christmas in the Philippines. Can't say I'm excited though. I don't really know why I don't even feel the tiniest tinge of pleasure when thinking of Christmas. Well, I guess its lost its magic for me. Sad but it seems to be true.

Twenty five days till Christmas! I need to save up for presents oh and get my body ready for the usual Christmas 5 pound weight gain!
