Other side

I'm here, not quite the other side of the world, but it seems like I'm on another planet. There is always a stark contrast between here and there. It just reminds me what life would be like if I'd stayed.

Well, a lot of things have happened but nothing so exciting to blog about.

I just missed being here, in the Philippines.
Everything has changed so much over the past what... three months. It leaves things for introspection. Ooh... ye..

I don't know if this is well known but the Philippine first runner up for Ms World Philippines has just made tremendous grammatical errors on the question and answer portion of the pageant and guess what... she still won. It was painful to watch someone being completely confident with the delivery of the answer while making horrendous errors in the language used.

The thing on every one's minds is why did she even bother trying to answer in erroneous English when she could speak perfectly in Tagalog. I am pretty ashamed to call her Miss Philippines World.
