Sweet tooth

Some people believe that if you laugh hard enough, for long enough, you'll eventually experience some form of joy.

Now, there is an explanation for this, provided by psychologists and other members of the scientific community. They believe that by performing the act of laughing or taking a pill, the body and the brain especially undergo physiological changes which correspond to the emotion or set of responses commonly associated with that action. This is known as the placebo effect.

Interestingly that phenomenon is used to test the effectiveness of drugs, when half of the patients part of a clinical study are given nothing but the sweet sugary goodness of "fake pills" and some of them do show a marked improvement and alleviation of with regards to their medical complaint.

I'm not sure if the placebo phenomenon is applicable in my scenario but, well... I have been laughing for a very long time, and all that has lead to is the perception that I am indeed a clown, or perhaps just another mischievous imbecile who's sole joy and purpose in life is to entertain others.

Sure, it has brought smiles and laughter to the faces of many of my comrades, and that isn't a bad thing, however I feel as though there is this common misunderstanding which takes place. I am not a clown. I enjoy laughter just as much as the next person and I just happen to initiate this chain of guffaws most of the time.

That does not mean that I have no feelings or thoughts outside the realm of comedy, it does however mean the exact opposite. Now most of you may not know that I am the queen of deflection.

If there is something I do not want to say or talk about, I deflect the idea as subtly as I can. Joking is my preferred method of choice . It generates the much needed distraction from issues which I do not want to face. Perhaps that is the reason why people seem to feel close to me much easier than I do for them.

I do deflect, a lot. I just wish that someone would take the time out of their day to break the sweet, crispy, sugar coating and get to the gooey cream center to what essentially is a tootsie roll - yum!

I do not like letting down my defences. I do not like the idea of someone having the power to manipulate or hurt me - then again, no one does, but it does gets lonely here in my candy land from time to time.

Perhaps I would have to shed my sugar coating for something more revealing, perhaps a light enrobement of milk chocolate instead.

Its Halloween and I want s'mores. I miss trick or treating. I miss dressing up as one of the evil witches. I miss the candy and the fun.
