One day at a time.

I'm done dealing with hypotheticals, what should, could and would happen. It doesn't really matter because hypotheticals are not what I have to deal with on a day to day basis.

I have to deal with reality. As sucky as I claim my life is, I'm sure I have  a lot of things to be grateful for.

I can't help but feel down though. I don't quite understand what is going on within me. I feel like life isn't fair, but I've known that for the longest time. Logically, this melancholy doesn't make sense. I can do a few things to help myself. So here it is. For myself as well as all of you who may be feeling the same way.

Long sunset/sunrise walks or bike rides
Hanging out with friends
Making new friends
Hyper focusing on a project or projects
Listening to music (not Grunge or Emo)
Making music
Playing games
Learning something new

I can't say I love my life right now, but there is a lot of potential there. I just have to learn to unlock it and keep on helping myself because I don't really have anyone else.
