
Showing posts from July, 2012

Those eyes

He has those eyes, those immense eyes that pierce through her, even from  behind glass and across  distances. They are brown, heavily lashed, framed by strong eyebrows. They are lined from years of a happy life. They twinkle with intelligence, drawing her into their depths. She likens it to staring into the sun, mesmerizing, but only bearable for a brief moment before she has to shift her gaze onto something more mundane. 


Sometimes, when I feel like I'm carrying a lot of baggage, I rant to other people, and sometimes that gets me into trouble, because, you know, you only get in trouble for what you say and do, and never for what you think. Crises could have been averted if only I had found a computer in time. My blog solves everything. The not so well known blog for the more personal and "taboo" stuff, and this one, for general stuff that I either don't mind other people reading or would like people to know. My big fat mouth got me into trouble again. I swear, from this date forward, I'm going to let my fingers do the talking. Hopefully, that'll be easier on my future phone. Blogging is so inconvenient on the phone I currently have - the Samsung Galaxy S. Perhaps I might need to buy an app. Anyways, I had just finished my ranting on the other blog - the address of which I'll keep to myself - or else what would be the point? I feel like a weight has been lifted off o...

Ah... that was before.

My mind is playing tricks on me again,. Before I woke, vivid images of romancing fluttered beneath my eyelids. It was kind of odd. The man in my dreams was someone I was unfamiliar with. Nonetheless, the interactions between us were flirtatious, tantalizing and needless to say absolutely enjoyable. I dreaded waking up, but my mother constantly nagged. Her voice echoed in my ear till I finally allowed the sleepy spell to break. As I went through my run-of-the-mill activities, thoughts of romance kept flitting in and out of my muddled mind. Lovesongs floated out of my lips and I let myself imagine being a chacarter in those musical stories, waiting and pining for her prince. A specific friend took that role of prince charming in my head, and despite my efforts, I could not stop myself from fixating on this gentleman. To me, he seemed the perfect romantic partner amongst all of my aquaintances. Sure he isn't gorgeous, but he is charming to say the least. He is intellectual, enig...

Its all about perspective

Granted, I may not be able to express myself adequately enough though verbalization, so here I am typing my thoughts so that someone somewhere can hear me and understand the situation that I am in. First of all, I would like you to erase the notion that I am just a regular Filipino, because truth of the matter is that I never grew up like a typical Filipino. I spent about five to six years in the Philippines. I went to elementary school there and hated it. To tell you the truth, I hated my parents as well for leaving me there without them. I was teased and taunted as a child – but that’s beside the point. Wherever I went, I was teased and taunted. Instead of telling you my whole life story, Ill just sum it up for you. I didn’t grow up in the Philippines so any preconceived notions on morality and religion that would normally accompany a person from that demographic do not apply in my situation because I was raised differently. I don’t want to study in the Philippines because I don...