Here's the deal... here's why not a lot of you have seen me fuming mad. When someone says something or does something that could potentially infuriate me, I sort of delay my reaction so that I could avoid overreacting.
Despite this being ages ago, here's my reaction. I wrote this a few days after everything had happened, because I was hesitant about posting it because well, some of you might think that I'm being oversensitive about things. Anyways, here goes the rant that some of you have heard many times before.
"Something was said today that struck a chord with me. I believe that it will always strike a chord.
Here’s the thing, I have no problem with being associated with domestic helpers, because the fact of the matter is that the Philippines does produce a lot of domestic helpers. What I do have a problem is the idea that I should be ashamed of this.
It is no joke to be a maid. It isn’t easy to admit that you do not have enough of an education to hold a decent paying job in your hometown. It is not easy to realize that you have to leave your parents, spouse and children, in order to better them, and most of all, it is not easy to go to a foreign country, to work for a stranger doing menial tasks. It’s difficult to care for your employer’s children when you know that your children are back home without a mother to care for them. It is heartbreaking when they return to their homes and realize that their children are all raised to be abhorrent of them, because of their absence in their lives.
What many people don’t know is that although a maid may earn pennies here, those pennies do a lot of work back home. That money is used to pave the future for the children, by means of an education. It is used to build homes and rebuild lives which wouldn’t have stood a chance otherwise.
Each generation that goes through it enters the occupation with the mindset that they are doing this so that the next generation will not need to.
Domestic helpers earn an honest keep. It is a last resort for most, and few have enough fortitude to live such a life. Because of all that, I believe that these people shouldn’t be looked down on. They should be respected."
Despite this being ages ago, here's my reaction. I wrote this a few days after everything had happened, because I was hesitant about posting it because well, some of you might think that I'm being oversensitive about things. Anyways, here goes the rant that some of you have heard many times before.
"Something was said today that struck a chord with me. I believe that it will always strike a chord.
Here’s the thing, I have no problem with being associated with domestic helpers, because the fact of the matter is that the Philippines does produce a lot of domestic helpers. What I do have a problem is the idea that I should be ashamed of this.
It is no joke to be a maid. It isn’t easy to admit that you do not have enough of an education to hold a decent paying job in your hometown. It is not easy to realize that you have to leave your parents, spouse and children, in order to better them, and most of all, it is not easy to go to a foreign country, to work for a stranger doing menial tasks. It’s difficult to care for your employer’s children when you know that your children are back home without a mother to care for them. It is heartbreaking when they return to their homes and realize that their children are all raised to be abhorrent of them, because of their absence in their lives.
What many people don’t know is that although a maid may earn pennies here, those pennies do a lot of work back home. That money is used to pave the future for the children, by means of an education. It is used to build homes and rebuild lives which wouldn’t have stood a chance otherwise.
Each generation that goes through it enters the occupation with the mindset that they are doing this so that the next generation will not need to.
Domestic helpers earn an honest keep. It is a last resort for most, and few have enough fortitude to live such a life. Because of all that, I believe that these people shouldn’t be looked down on. They should be respected."