A day in the life of a Pharmacy Technician
Pour le premiere fois dans ma vie, I received my paycheck. It felt awesome to see that my bank balance was well above the required maintenance balance ($500) and hence, for the first time since I turned 22, I would be free from the $2 fine each month which would normally whittle down my bank balance even more.
I kind of feel like the job is a slightly more complicated version of what a Mc Donalds Employee is tasked to do, see, we receive the order (prescription in this case), we fill and pack the order, we double check and then finally we dispense. Very Mc Donald-y.
Ok fine! I guess I AM exaggerating. It is much more complicated than that. Sigh, I'm just panicky when the prescription comes in because sometimes we have to type out the labels (other times, we just scan the prescription) and the dosing and all those little white labels those drugs come with - anyways, there's a 3 to 5 alphanumerical code which corresponds to each drug, and there is no compounded list of all the preparations. - So you're basically stuck with a pretty significant amount of guesswork.