
Showing posts from July, 2010

A day in the life of a Pharmacy Technician

Pour le premiere fois dans ma vie, I received my paycheck. It felt awesome to see that my bank balance was well above the required maintenance balance ($500) and hence, for the first time since I turned 22, I would be free from the $2 fine each month which would normally whittle down my bank balance even more. Its a rather strange feeling. Everything I've worked for has been towards avoiding the dreaded office cubicle, yet here I am locked in a different kind of box. Sure the box is filled with psychotropic drugs which I am not allowed to procure amongst others but it is a very small box nonetheless. I kind of feel like the job is a slightly more complicated version of what a Mc Donalds Employee is tasked to do, see, we receive the order (prescription in this case), we fill and pack the order, we double check and then finally we dispense. Very Mc Donald-y. Ok fine! I guess I AM exaggerating . It is much more complicated than that. Sigh, I'm just panicky when t...


Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to announce to you that I have indeed aquired a job thanks to my lovely friend Joanne! Please note that I may be overly excited because of the fact that I survived my first interview to get my first ever job in the history of my existence. Now I didn't exactly want to blog about this till it was 100% official and that only became so on Monday the 13th. After which I was rendered incapable of blogging for the rest of the week on account of exhaustion. Anyways, details details! I am now working as a Pharmaceutical Technician within the walls of Kandang Kerbau Women's and Children's Hospital or more commonly known as KKH in the Out-Patient Pharmacy. The hours are demanding, especially since most of them are spent on your feet. Roughly, I get 1 and a half day off, I'm on a half day on Saturdays and completely off on Sundays. I work from 9 to 5.30 so if any of you want to make plans - go ahead yeah! 'Coz two weeks worth of pay will be com...
Here's the deal... here's why not a lot of you have seen me fuming mad. When someone says something or does something that could potentially infuriate me, I sort of delay my reaction so that I could avoid overreacting. Despite this being ages ago, here's my reaction. I wrote this a few days after everything had happened, because I was hesitant about posting it because well, some of you might think that I'm being oversensitive about things. Anyways, here goes the rant that some of you have heard many times before. "Something was said today that struck a chord with me. I believe that it will always strike a chord. Here’s the thing, I have no problem with being associated with domestic helpers, because the fact of the matter is that the Philippines does produce a lot of domestic helpers. What I do have a problem is the idea that I should be ashamed of this. It is no joke to be a maid. It isn ’t easy to admit that you do not have enough of an education to hold a decent...