Todo par la familia?

Here I am in the motherland. The place of my birth and the place where Starbucks costs a mere $5. Ah how sweet it is to be in a place where people can understand Tagalog.

Its nice to be reunited with old friends, hear stories and just laugh. Pity my dear ole mom is breathing down my neck. I think that getting away from her for 2 months made her miss me - or rather miss nagging at me. Kidding.

Anyways, I just found out that my house is no longer my house. It will belong to the bank if and when my father is unable to pay that one last time by May. It scares me shitles to be without a home. I mean... that house is the only real place which I was able to imagine that I could have a future there. Money is a problem. Then again, money is always a problem... to everyone, everywhere.

I hope I get to stay with my cousins on my birthday, hopefully, without parental supervision. I love my folks, but really, I think that its about time that they give me a little more space.

I am turning 22 after all.

Oh also, that house I'm talking about, a family of leeches are living there. They take advantage of everything they can lay their pathetic little hands on. I mean... I'm not selfish. I share my things, my food and my space, Its just that... well, if I know that they're capable of earning a living and they conciously decide to not work but instead live out of your pocket at your expense, well, that is pushing it.

I know my dad is the eldest amongst his siblings, and that means that he has to be there when his siblings need him. That's all fine with me, but if any of his siblings become overly reliant on him... that I have a very big problem with.

His youngest brother is a strong and able bodied man who was given his fair share of second chances. He was given a place to live, money to start his own business and so on, by my dear kindhearted father - at the expense of my family's income. He sold that place to live and spent all of that capital on gambling and that man has the cheek to just sit on his bum and eat off his sibling's plates. All I wish for is hat he stop abusing his relatives' kindness and get off of that lazy ass and get a job and get a life of his own. Earn a living for his wife, three children and his grandson.

I don't know how it got this bad. I just hope it ends. And I want my house back!
