Week One
week 1 or I should say week 27 is about to come to an end. It's been a pretty easy week. The Cross Disciplinary Subjects ( CDS ) subject's I've gotten aren't bad at all! I got Introduction to Psychology (Psych) and The Powerful Art of Storytelling ( TPAS ) , the latter I'm not so enthusiastic about... well that is, except for the fact that I have some interesting classmates, one more interesting than the others. Mwahahahaha . Psych is pretty cool too. I just bought the textbook and to tell you the truth, it is very wordy. There's a dude in my TPAS class that actually failed psych. Uh oh I thought. Well, me being who I am, I probably won't fail psych, its probably one of the other subjects hehe . Well, actually, I think I might be able to pull a better GPA this time round! My GPA last term was 2.69 which is pretty bad. 4's the highest. Hopefully, all will turn out well and I'll be able to get somewhat of a 3.50. Yay , first step towards achieving s...